By Bryan Hague
(Webmaster for Jim Porter's Guide to Bass Fishing)
The phone rang last November. It was an old time friend and business partner (who just happens to be a fishing outfitter) asking me to meet him at Lake Huites, a popular bass fishing lake on the West Coast of Mexico, for a week of bass fishing. Boy, did that get my ears perked up.
He reminded me of how long it had been since we had shared together, and we proceeded to reflect on some good fishing memories of times past. He then indicated that there was a second reason he wanted me to go to Huites. Among the clients who are also going to be at the lake at this time, is a Japanese writer. This individual is going to write an article about the bass fishing at Lake Huites for a Japanese magazine that is the equal to BASSMASTERS magazine in the States. There is also a Canadian television crew shooting a fishing show to be aired in January. As my outfitter friend said, with the writer, film crew and clients, there just isn't enough of him to go around and he needs some help. Since I have been an outfitter for a long time, I was an ideal choice.
Note that this outfitter realized that his time and attention to ALL clients is very important. And, when he realized that he was not going to be able to give the proper personal attention to everybody, he looked for a solution. This is a sign of a quality outfitter -- someone that is not just accepting your money, but will be personally involved at all times. Keep this at the top of your criteria list when selecting an outfitter.
I checked my schedule and found that I was able to free up the dates of 17 - 24 December, so the first hurdle had been passed. The next hurdle was how to get there, something a bit more involved. Travel is not normally a problem. But, I live on the East Coast of Mexico and it is a bit difficult for me to get to the West Coast of Mexico at a reasonable price. It is rather interesting that it is more expensive for my travel arrangements in-country to the West Coast of Mexico than a person traveling from Dallas, TX. Strange, but that is what happens when there is no competition in the Mexico airline industry. But, after a couple weeks of searching, I finally came up with something reasonable.
The next step, for me or any one going to make a fishing trip to a new destination, is to find out what tackle will be needed. The outfitter should give you a detailed list of what will be needed two weeks before your trip. The following is what my friend provided for Lake Huites:
- Bullet Weights: 1/4, 5/16, 1/2oz.
- Worm Hooks: 3/0 or 4/0
- 8" Lizards: Watermelon (red fleck), Red Shad, Blue Berry, Black (blue tail) and any other colors you want to bring.
- 8" and or 10" worms: (same as above colors)
- 1 bottle of chartreuse dip-n-die
- Spinner Baits: 1/2 and 3/4 oz. White, White/ Chartreuse, Clear skirts with metal flake colors like silver, or gold, or red, green, or several
of these colors in one; and, don't forget watermelon skirts.
- Crank Baits: Fat Free Shad 1/2 and 3/4 oz., Tennessee Shad, White and Red, Citrus. Note: Citrus is a color that they make. Just ask for
Citrus. This is a very good color on Lake Huites. Bring other kinds of
crank baits and colors, if you wish.
- Rattle traps: 1/2 and 3/4 oz., (same as above)
- Topwater: Chug-Bugs, 1/2 and 1 oz. Zara Spooks, original size 2 hooks
3/4 oz. and pro spooks 3 hooks, Torpedoes or baits that have blades on
them. White, frog, clear, black, chromes, are all good colors. Bring
other kinds of topwater baits and colors, if you wish.
So, I got my list and headed out to the storage room to dig through all of my tackle. Of course, the first thing I started looking for was my SWIMMING WORMS. After Jim Porter proceeded to wax the bass at Mexico's various lakes with his lure invention, Jim's SWIMMING WORM became known throughout Mexico as the 'Gusano Loco' (the 'Crazy Worm'). I was able to come up with most of what was on the list and made notes of those items I did not have. Since there are not any tackle stores where I live, I proceeded to give my shopping list to my outfitter friend. Can you imagine a WAL-MART that does not even stock fishing supplies?
I noted that my spinner baits had seen their better days and were looking a little worn and ragged. So I took some advice from Old Fishin' Tipster on how to clean up and protect your spinner baits. First, I removed all the old skirts and gave the baits a bath in vinegar. An old toothbrush aided in cleaning them up. After rinsing, I put the lure on the clothesline to dry. I, then, proceeded to work on the hooks with a piece of metal sandpaper and got the hooks nice and clean and sharp. Then, I gave them a coat of my wife's clear nail polish. This keeps them from rusting and brightens them up a bit. Next, I applied the same clear polish to the blades to prevent discoloration, tarnishing, or scratching. (This trick is from Old Fishin' Tipsters tips at
With the spinner baits all back in good shape, then came the dreaded task of how to pack them. This took me back again to Old Fishin' Tipsters tips at www.jimporter.org/tipster/tipster34.shtml.
Next, I was off to check the hooks on all the topwater and crank baits. This is a very important step. Unfortunately, when you take a new hard bait out of its packaging, you find some have cheap hooks that bend easily and are poorly sharpened. So, if you find this, it is time to start replacing the factory trebles with good quality hooks. This may keep you from losing that next World's Record largemouth.
After completing my lures and getting them packed away, it was time to move on to the rods and reels. A good tip is to always take your personal reels with you on your fishing trip!! Most any available rod will work. But, you are accustomed to the 'feel' of your own reels. I have taken the option of using fishing rods that are available at the various fishing resorts, just because I don't want to drag a rod case across Mexico. Always check with your outfitter on the availability of rods at the fishing destination and the types that are available.
I haven't fished in a while, so I have had my reels sealed in plastic bags. When I am not going to fish for awhile, I always back off the drags and close them up individually in plastic bags to keep them clean. Backing off the drag prevents the drag washers from sticking together over time. After stripping off the old line and cleaned the reels, I put some new line on those I plan to take with me.
When packing, make sure that you pack your reels in your carry-on bag. This way you at least have your personal reels in the case your luggage is lost. Other fishermen will always give you lures to fish with and fishing rods, if needed. Another important thing is DON'T pack any bullet weights, pliers, scissors or knives in your carry on luggage. Present airport security frowns on that!
All the important stuff has now been taken care of. Got my flight arrangements and the fishing tackle in line. Next, it is time to make notes on the clothing needs. Your outfitter will be able to give you suggestions on what you will need to bring. Personally, I will take a couple pair of shorts, some jeans and some t-shirts. I don't think Senorita Bass will care on how well dressed I am. I will also take a pull over sweatshirt, or two, for the cool early mornings and late evenings. It is a good idea to also take a rain suit. This is a perfect situation for the Frogg Toggs rain gear. It takes very little packing room (top and bottom will fit into a gallon ZipLoc bag with room to spare), it is light (about 14 oz. For the whole set), and it is 100% rain and wind proof. Don't forget to take sun block and a good hat, so you don't become a lobster on the first day!!
Now, it is back to my normal daily activities until my departure date. I will also try to be sure to rest up before the trip -- because the days will be long and the fishing stories will surely go on into the wee hours of the mornings.
Check back after Christmas for our upcoming series of articles on my bass fishing adventure to Lake Huites.
As you have noticed, I did not mention the name of my friend or the name of his outfitting business. I will try to keep this a non-biased series of articles. Anyone wanting information about the outfitter, please feel free to contact me at webmaster@fishing-hunting.com or you can contact Jim Porter at jporter@stickmarsh.com.
CLICK HERE to view all the Lake Huites articles.
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A common question that we get: "Is there somewhere close to get bait and tackle?" This is where we get our bait.
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