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Bass Fishing Report
5 March 2020
Bass Fishing Report
provided by Jim Porter
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Skeeter Hawk Project |
The forerunner of the modern bass boat, an original 1960 Super Skeeter, was recently restored by Jim. See the entire restoration project, as well as the antique depthfinders and trolling motor that made it complete!!
Read MY Bass Fishing Articles |
»The Soft Fluke Jerkbait – A Fishing Phenomenon
»Where the HECK is Ansin Garcia Reservoir?
»The Swimming Worm King
»Late Fall/Winter Locations & Lures
»Summer-Fall-Winter Transition
»Positive Thoughts for Winter Fishing
»How various fish tend to strike shiners
more in the Archives
Bass Fishing Tips & Tricks |
»Weedless Rigging With An Easy Hook-set
»Protecting a depthfinder transducer
»Getting electrical power to your house
during a power outage
»Finding leaks in your boat
»Keeping your tackle load light
»Stopping the itch of bug bites
»Keeping your boat looking good
more in the Archives
Bass Clubs |
Free Listings for Bass Clubs
Click Here to see the Bass Clubs.
Kid's Bass Fishing Corner |
Submit kid's bass fishing photos!!
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Contact Jim Porter |
Jim will try to reply to all e-mails as time allows. jporter@stickmarsh.com
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We are fishermen - we talk fishing. There will be no gimmicks, no 'Informercials', and no excuses given for NOT catching fish. JUst factual, true information and reports, with pictures to back it up!!
Fish are dumb as rocks. 'Catching' is simply a matter of 'finding', and then presenting the proper lure to make them strike. Excuses for not catching are just that - 'excuses'.
The Prime Directive |
If it has to do with giant bass, crappie or bluegill fishing, I want you to be able to find it on this site. If not, email me and we'll get it.
There are 4 great 'truths' of fishing: |
1. Catching fish is easy;
finding them is the hard part
2. Dry lures catch darn few fish
3. The harder you fish, it seems the
'luckier' you get
4. Momma always said to 'be safe'
A TREASURE FIND!! Rummaging through our ‘warehouse’ of jigs stocks, we found a remarkable piece of history -- approximately 400 of the ORIGINAL PERFECT Crappie Jigs tied by Texas lure-making legend Bob Young. These early originals are tied on Bob’s own axe-head jig and using his small #8 hook. The small hook concerned many anglers at first, including yours truly, who wondered if it would hold big slabs. Bob’s wily smile and assuring words made us all try them. Sure enough, as promised, the tiny hook easily penetrated anywhere in the membrane of the crappie mouth and was so small it never tore a hole or ripped out; no lost fish! Old-timers may jump at the chance to get these jigs for a short period and newbies might just want to possess what was once the top Crappie jig in the country. Most colors are initially available, but call early (321-427-8295). I am sure these little gems will be gone quickly. The price is the same as the current PERFECT Crappie Jig.
Jim's Stick Marsh Guide Service
Featured on:
ESPN Outdoors
Now, even if you can't travel to fish it, everyone can see what the Stick Marsh action is really like and see those GIANT bass 'up close and personal'!!
Watch for us!!
<------- Now, see all 8 years of our guide service's giant fish pictures in one easy-to-view location on our FACEBOOK page. Just go to your left and 'click' on it!!!
We just added a new jig to our already-great selection: the 'LAKE FORK SPECIAL' (the gray body of the famous Gray Ghost, but with a blue tail) . I wasn'r sure what else to call it, since it appears to be the most popular color on Texas' magificent Lake Fork fish factory, as well as in most of East Texas and all of Louisiana. The demand has been such that we have had to cut back production of a couple of other colors for awhile, but we'll catch up!! The 'SPECIAL" sure works well here in Florida, too!!! I think you'll like this jig color.

Our line of the very populat FIREBUG HI-VIZ-Series of crappie jigs has been expanded to accommodate some great new, proven colors. We tested colors all Spring and selected the ones that proved best to round out what we think is a perfect selection of HI-VIZ crappie jigs. I think you'll like them, too. See the crappie page of the Outdoor Store to order.

We currently have all colors Of the PERFECT Crappie Jig in stock and there are plenty of the great Gray Ghost, as well as the excellent HI-VIZ Gray Ghost!!!! Plus, we have two NEW, hot colors: the Black Flash (black body/chartreuse tail) and the Blue Flash (blue body/chartreuse tail). Heeding popular demand, we made up these new jigs and worked with them until we were satisfied they are winners. My favorite is the Black Flash, but they both seem to work equally well. Three days ago, I used the Black Flash alone and managed 40-odd fish, with the best 20 weighing in at 28 pounds. A little off the average for Florida Stick Marsh crappie, but still not too shaby.
Call us at 321-427-8295 and restock your supply NOW!!! We still have the popular 1/16th oz FIREBUG series.

<------- Coming soon - the Fellsmere Reservoir (or, 'Stick Marsh II, as we like to call it!!) This the large area to the east of the existing Stick Marsh and Farm 13 impoundments. Already full of bass and other fish in its many old barrowpits and canals, we are told over two (2) million new bass will be stocked soon. All kinds of man-made structures and fish habitate has been constructed, as well a boat lanes and open runs. Lots of new spillways/dikes, too. Flooding is in progress. We'll advise as things progress.
ONLY WE HAVE IT!!! - our re-incarnation of Jack Chancellor's BASS Classic-winning lure, the DO-NUTHIN' WORM. Deadly on Carolina-Rigs and as a slow-sinking jerk bait.

Our DO-NUTHIN' WORM is the same exact lure that Chancellor made so famous, only with modern construction materials/methods and a longer leader to accomodate swivels. See the OUTDOOR STORE (the link is to your left and up) for details on these lures (or, call 321-427-8295).
Announcing - the ‘HIGH VIZ’ line of PERFECT Crappie Jigs!!
Our new 'High VIZ' crappie jig series is in response to the many anglers who have asked for a high-visibility jig with light-reflecting capabilities. As you will note, five (5) have painted heads and a different head shape. The other four(4) retain the design of the original PERFECT Crappie Jig. The 'PERFECT' Crappie is is the finest of its kind. See the OUTDOOR STORE (the link is to your left and up) for details on these lures.
Why pay 60-70 cents apiece for a SENKO when you can get our RIPPIN' Stick at 1/3rd that price. Plus, the RIPPIN' Stick is better!!
The RIPPIN' Stick soft jerk bait has more salt content, better castability and control, and doesn't tear as easily. Plus, you get three RIPPIN' Sticks for the price of ONE SENKO!! See out Outdoor Store.
Jim Porter Introduces His New 'PLANING BULLET!
Clumsy, awkward, bulky, cumbersome planing boards are now totally OBSOLETE! Jim's new "PLANING BULLET' is a remarkable invention that provides the angler complete and total control in the precise placement of live bait and artificials lures.
Live shiners can be precisely trolled out AWAY from the boat (to keep from spooking the fish) and guided right along a grass line, shore area, or in-and-around stumps and grass beds. The 'PLANING BULLET", being small and compact, also funtions as a bobber to indicate strikes and fish-on situations.
The giant Stick Marsh crappie we found inhabitating shallow water shell beds on submerged levees would spook if we got the boat too close. With the 'PLANING BULLET', we are able to slow troll minnows or the PERFECT Crappie Jig right along the top of the levees for any distance we like, while holding the boat 15-25 feet off the levee top.
In the smallmouth and spotted bass habitats of our North Carolina fishing grounds, the small size 'PLANING BULLET' proved perfect for finesse Float-N-Fly presentations, with the ability to totally control the presentations and move the rig precisely along shorelines and breaks while holding the boat well out from the presentation area.
The 'PLANING BULLET' is easy to use and is bi-directional. That is, it will plane either right or left, as you like. All you have to do is flip your line to turn the device to plane the opposite direction.
So, get rid of the out-of-date, bulky planing boards and go modern. See our Outdoor Store for the revolutionary 'PLANING BULLET'.
Wow, the fantastic SWIMMING WORM is now available in the great JUNEBUG color!!!Go to the OUTDOOR STORE for details.
ABSOLUTELY, the BEST Fluke Jerkbait in the World!!
We strive to provide the perfect lure in every style and application.
That’s the ‘PERFECT’ family of lures!!
Read the Article
Ordering Information
Check out a few of interesting new sites we ran across
CLICK HERE for the latest News.
»The Soft Fluke Jerkbait NEW!!
A Fishing Phenomenon
»Understanding the Greatest
Bass Lure Ever – the Soft Sinking
Jerk Bait!!
Is it the PERFECT lure??
The Hottest New Bass Color!!
»Beating Mother Nature
How to fish in the wind
»Another Skeeter Restoration!!
Read about this new restoration.
»Fall & Early Winter Bassin'
Tips about this transition period.
»Whole World of Fishing Info
Great Links to lots of Fishing Info
more in What's New
Things From the Past |
»Satellite Imagery of Florida
»The Best Knot Ever
»A Great Pictorial of Hooks
»Bass Fishing Definitions & Terminology
Recommended sites by The Fishin' Tipster |
A common question that we get: "Is there somewhere close to get bait and tackle?" This is where we get our bait.
Pete and Tina Heinz / 9 South Mulberry St. / Fellsmere, FL 32948 / 772-571-9855
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